You can find tips for internet marketing all over the place. But one tip you want to take to heart is to create a blog. There are several advantages to having a blog which stands for web log. You can use your blog to promote your own website, to promote affiliate products, or to simply create a presence for yourself until you do have a product to sell online.

A blog or web log is free to create. So you do not have to purchase web hosting space and you do not need a server. And it is easy to set up your blog on the free software sites. You simply follow the easy steps after you sign up for your account.

If you are simply advertising affiliate products this is a great way to do it. Affiliate product marketing is where you promote other people’s products for a commission. Let us say you are like scuba diving. You can find many companies online that sell scuba diving gear and related products. When you promote their website you then will a commission when someone you send to their website makes a purchase.

You then find companies that sell scuba related products. You then build an affiliate account with them. You get your own personal affiliate link to use on your blog. This identifies you as the affiliate who has sent them a customer to their website. When they buy you earn a commission.

Then talk up the products you are promoting. Then invite your readers to go to that website via your affiliate link. When they buy you earn a commission. You can even do a product review of the products you are promoting as an affiliate. People will trust your opinion and in your recommendation you include your affiliate link so people can buy the product.

You did not have to buy hosting space or build your own website. If you have a website you can also create a blog and promote your website with your blog. You can build a following on your blog and then remind your following to go to your website to read about your products. One other advantage of a blog is that search engines like them because they are usually filled with new content on a regular basis.

Most websites are static. They are updated maybe every month if that often. But blogs are always updated so they will rank higher than a lot of websites. If you have a website it is a good idea to have a blog to promote your website. Your blog will make it up the search ranks so you will want to have a link to your website on your blog so your readers can read about products and services on your website.

Static websites on the other hand do not have the content updated as much as a blog does. This is one more reason to promote your website with a blog because your blog will be ranked higher in some cases on the search engine than your website. One other great tip is to get started. You can read about building your online business. But until you actually do something you are simply on the sidelines watching others play the game.

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